Opposition leader Sajith Premadasa said that if the 225 MPs come together, a country without alcohol and drugs can be built.
He pointed out that if all 225 MPs agree to rid the country of alcohol, tobacco, and cigarettes, similar to how all the MPs unanimously opposed the MP who brought gold from the airport using VIP privileges, that it can be done ideally as a country.
Also, when talking about taxes related to tobacco, alcohol and cigarettes, large-scale tobacco and cigarette businessmen are keeping in their grasp, officials who prepare these taxes and no matter who comes to power, there is a system that will work properly, because a few officials have become a mallet of these companies and as a result, the Opposition Leader also said that it is not working properly and if the 225 MPs come together, they can break the system and create a society without alcohol, tobacco and cigarettes.
The opposition leader added that because drug traffickers engage in more drug dealing when they are in prison than when they are outside, measures should be taken against them similar to those followed by Singapore and severe punishments should be imposed and through this the drug trafficking that has become a part of the school system can be destroyed.
Opposition leader Sajith Premadasa said this when the Parliamentary Committee on Narcotics met.