Attorney-at-law Manoj Gamage, who represents former Health Minister Keheliya Rambukwella, is a board member of the National Medicines Regulatory Authority (NMRA),
health sector unions have
said, claiming that there is a conflict of interest.
Thus, Gamage had no right to represent Rambukwella over allegations that he, too, bears responsibility for the procurement of a stock of substandard intravenous human Immunoglobulin (IVIG), they say.
Gamage made a statement defending Rambukwella on Tuesday after the CID took a statement from the latter.
Chamal Sanjeewa, president of the Professional Forum of Physicians on Medical and Civil Rights, urged the Ministers of Health and Justice to ensure that the police and the AG’s department conduct an impartial investigation into the IVIG case.
President of the College of Medical Laboratory Science (CMLS), Ravi Kumudesh, told The Island that Gamage’s behaviour, on Tuesday, was an indication of his partiality as a member of NMRA.
“The CID went to Rambukwella’s residence, based on a request by the former minister. Did the CID go to the houses of other suspects to record statements?” he asked.
A few weeks ago the lawyer representing the first suspect had told the CID, in court, that the mastermind of the pharmaceutical scam was in the Cabinet and challenged the CID to arrest him, Kumudesh said.