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Opposition leader Sajith Premadasa yesterday (01) said those who cannot abide by the SJB’s policies are free to leave the party.

Addressing the Samagi Jana Balawegaya’s May Day rally at E.A. Gunasinghe grounds in Borella, he told that his politics was meant not for positions, but for the purpose of changing the system.

“We are not those people’s representatives who crave for government positions. Today’s politics has such persons. If there are such persons amongst us, I am telling them to leave,” he said.

The SJB’s May Day parade themed ‘struggle at the workplace for the victory of the motherland’ started from P.D. Sirisena grounds at Maligawatte.

Premadasa went on to say that a SJB regime would not wait until 2048 to develop the country, but would rebuild it within the first tenure.

It is only our party that has an economically most astute and able team of professionals including Harsha de Silva, Kabir Hashim and Eran Wickramaratne and capable of doing so together with educated youths.

Our 10-pronged programme is to make Sri Lanka first in the world by creating a modern economy in which all including the working people are empowered, he said.

The opposition leader added that a government under him would renegotiate the IMF’s extended fund facility.


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