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The SLPP has the organizational strength to rise up again at any moment, claimed its leader Mahinda Rajapaksa.

Addressing the party’s May Day rally at Campbell Park in Colombo, the ex-president said the SLPP was much experienced politically to gain power as well as give up power, for the sake of the people.

The rally was held under the theme, “let’s defeat challenges and realise aspirations.”

According to Rajapaksa, real labour leaders fight for the rights of the working people, and not to gain petty political advantages.

“Trade unionists of the past did not use trade unions to create anarchy in the country.”

He also said, NGOs and certain political parties conspired against us as we did not agree to the dictates of Western imperialists and gave prominence to home-grown thinking.

“These conspiratorial forces wanted to destroy not only our properties but also our lives. The SLPP will not fall prey to such conspiracies and will take correct decisions at the correct time,” he added.

“The relationship between us and the workers of this country has been proven once again today. Therefore, we salute them,” he said.

“We are a party that has always stood for the rights of workers. We have responded and provided answers to their fair demands,” he added.

“It is we that created a society suitable for the people to live in,” he said.

Referring to the inception of the SLPP, he said, “Some said it was a new party and cannot be given power. But there is no point in criticising those who came forward and accepted the challenge.”

He also slammed the opposition, saying, “They have no other topics to discuss. Even if good is done they criticise and disagree with us.”


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