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A campaign is under way against the deportation of a Tamil man from Jaffna identified as Sutha, who is being held at a deportation prison at Pforzheim in Southern Germany, according to humanrights.de.

He is to be sent to Sri Lanka on May 03, accompanied by medical personnel and police officers, after two previous deportation attempts failed.

The first time, the airline had refused to take him because it was clear that he was in distress and was being deported against his will, said the website.

The second time, after he had spent a month in the deportation prison, the stress had caused Sutha to be ill and the deportation had to be aborted because he was vomiting blood and clearly had heart pain.

Due to his difficult psychosocial condition, Sutha’s lawyer has now filed an urgent application for the assignment of a guardian for him, said the website.

The campaign calling for a stop to his deportation urges that videos or letters be sent to the German authorities demanding that Sutha be released from detention and granted asylum in Germany.


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