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Minister Tiran Alles addressing a special workshop held at the Panadura Police area for community Police committees about the islandwide

“Yukthiya” special operation said that it will save the future generations of this country.

The Minister further said that, “At a time when the country was on fire, we were given the responsibility to calm the situation, when we assumed this ministry. At that time, the people were unable to protect themselves. We had to take tough decisions to calm the country in such a situation. In the end, we were able to overcome this great challenge and come out victorious.

Having brought the situation under control, the biggest challenge we faced next was to curb the drug menace and underworld activities that were engulfing all parts of the country.

After appointing a special committee including the current Acting Inspector General of Police (IGP) Deshabandu Tennakoon and conducting a special study on this situation for several months, we prepared a programme to combat it. I requested the President to appoint the current Acting IGP to that position to implement that programme.

Accordingly, I instructed the Police to implement the ‘Yukthiya’ special operation independently, without being influenced by anyone. We have changed the tradition of releasing arrested criminals under the influence of various people.

Accordingly, these activities are being implemented successfully all over the country and there are great challenges and obstacles against this special operation to curb drug mafia. As the Minister in charge of the subject, I, the IGP and other officials are being pressured both locally and internationally to stop this operation. A minority of the country is also attacking us on social media. But while I hold this ministerial position, I will not act in the way that the minority group or the international community wants.

Some politicians are trying to bring politics into this operation, which is carried out regardless of Party colour, race and religion. We want everyone’s cooperation to make this mission a success.

People are using social media to undermine this ‘Yukthiya’ programme. To strengthen the necessary rules and regulations, we presented the Act on the security of online systems. Many people who use social media in the wrong way are worried about it.

They want drugs to spread in the country, underworld activities to grow, and the country to collapse. People working with that purpose are making various statements against this Online Safety Bill. This Bill is only a problem for people who mishandle social media.”

‘Yukthiya’ is an operation that will save the future generations of the country. As we aimed at the beginning, there has already been a big change in the country. We are getting a lot of blessings from the people, which is a great strength to us.

Public Security Ministry Secretary Viyani Gunathilaka, Acting IGP Deshabandu Tennakoon, Senior DIGs, DIGs and other top officials of the Police Department, members of the Community Police Committee were present on this occasion.



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