Deputy national organization of the SJB S.M. Marikkar has reacted strongly to a warning by the government of severe action against false claims over the VAT.

“They say that those who talk about the VAT will be sent to prison. Is this country their property to talk like that?”, he asked at a media briefing yesterday (02).

Marikkar explained the impact from the VAT’s increase to 18 per cent on public life.

“People have a right to talk about their pressure, pressure of their children, a hopeless future, a country in ruins, crimes taking place. A government without a public mandate cannot deny that,” he said.

“So-called economic experts know only to make various formulas to raise prices and impose VAT. There is no plan for export and investment promotion. Foreign investments do not come due to a lack of trust,” he said.

Marikkar said his party was prepared to come forward strongly despite any obstacles on behalf of the people to create equal socioeconomic and democratic opportunities for all.


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