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The CID has taken over investigations into a racket involving the change in the fake ownership of 430 luxury vehicles.


Racketeers have allegedly been manipulating the Motor Vehicles Department database for some time to replace the names of owners of registered vehicles with other persons.

The anti-vice squad at Walana in Panadura initiated the probe, which has now been handed over to the CID on the instructions of IGP C.D. Wickramaratne.

Two employees of the DMV’s computer unit are under arrest on suspicion.

According to the police, more than 430 luxury vehicles have had their real owners replaced by other names in the department database.


Ex-Navy officer arrested for faking vehicle documents

Meanwhile, the Walana anti-vice squad arrested a former Navy officer for faking documents for a luxury car, after around four months of evading the police.

The squad seized the vehicle at Mt. Lavinia with another Navy officer who had been attached to the former’s private security firm.


WhatsApp Image 2023 08 02 at 15.09.47

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