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President Ranil Wickremesinghe has been foiled in his attempt to obtain the stamp of approval from the opposition for his political programme, said FPC leader Dullas Alahapperuma.


The MP questioned the president’s motive to convene an all-party conference with a so-called intention of implementing the 13th constitutional amendment.


Wickremesinghe is a person who had put off holding local government polls and rendered the provincial councils inactive, Alahapperuma told the media yesterday (28).


According to him, the public was shown an edited version of the APC, whereas the reality was that it had been a hoax and a complete failure.


The FPC leader said Wickremesinghe is the only survivor among three politicians who had swindled the northern Tamils’ votes at the district development election in 1981 and the subsequent disturbances that left a black mark in the country’s politics.


Again, in 2017, as the prime minister at the time, he got an act adopted against holding the PC polls.


Alahapperuma cast doubts if such a politician could be trusted now to devolve powers.


Alleging conflicts of opinion within the government with regard to the 13A, he urged them to reach a consensus within before everything else.


Alahapperuma also asked the president to stop his political games at least now.

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