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The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICCRC) has reiterated to the government its responsibility to account for the victims of enforced disappearances.

A top-level team from the ICRC has met president Ranil Wickremesinghe in Colombo and also took up the matter with foreign minister Ali Sabry later.

ICRC’s regional director for the Asia-Pacific Christine Cipolla raised the importance of starting the process of providing answers to all families of missing persons on the fate and whereabouts of their missing loved ones, tweeted its Sri Lanka chief Severine Chappaz.

Sabry responded thus: “It is a very difficult long and arduous journey, but we have to work towards building bridges between communities, address the past and look towards a future where all Sri Lankans will live with respect, dignity and security. Diversity is a strength, shouldn’t be a drawback!”

At the UN Human Rights Council last year, Sabry vehemently rejected a new resolution on Sri Lanka.


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