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Parliament’s adoption of the proposed antiterrorism act (ATA), presently in temporary deferment, will adversely impact those who fight for justice for their missing relatives, it has been alleged.

The ATA will deny us the opportunity to demand our rights and parliament should not pass it, said secretary of the association of relatives of missing persons in Vavuniya, Sivanandan Jenita.

Justice minister Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe said last month the ATA would be presented to the House again after consulting all interested parties.

He accused critics of misleading the people about the bill and not making any suggestions of their own.

However, associations of missing persons say they have never been consulted as suggested.

During a protest on May 30 in Vavuniya, Tamil mothers also reiterated their rejection of a domestic mechanism to probe alleged war crimes and instead called for an international intervention.


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