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Samagi Jana Balawegaya MP Eran Wickramaratne yesterday (26) submitted a private members Bill to amend the Declaration of Assets and Liabilities Law, No.1 of 1975 to make the provisions of the act to apply to the President as well.

Accordingly the President, Members of Parliament and other high ranking Judicial, Public and Public sector officials have to declare their assets and liabilities annually.

The existing Declaration of Assets and Liabilities Law No.1 of 1975 does not warrant the President to declare his assets and liabilities.

Provisions will also be made under the proposed amendment to establish an electronic automated asset declaration system which will enable electronic submission of declarations of assets and liabilities.

The significant feature of this act shall be that all declarations of assets and liabilities shall have pubic access subject to redaction of specific information. All such declarations shall be published by the appropriate authority, on their respective official websites.


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