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A Buddhist monk at a village temple at Aralaganwila in Dimbulagala had demanded money to conduct last rites for a woman who had died.

Following a complaint, area’s police intervened and a group of monks from elsewhere to do ‘Pansukula’ for the 66-year-old.

Her son had complained to Aralaganwila police the chief incumbent of the area’s temple had demanded Rs. 24,000 to conduct the last rites.

OIC Indunil Hemapala spoke to the monk, but failed to convince him.

Later, he invited 10 monks from a Senasana to complete the funeral under police protection.

According to reports, the monk had demanded the money as a fine at the rate of Rs. 1,000 per month, after the family had failed to provide alms to the temple for more than two years due to the woman’s illness and other difficulties.


WhatsApp Image 2023 08 02 at 15.09.47

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