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MP Namal Rajapksa has still not paid the electricity bill due for his wedding in 2019, said former JVP provincial councilor Nalin Hewage quoting a reply from the CEB to a RTI filed by him.

Hewage said he filed an RTI to get it confirmed whether Rajapaksa had paid the Rs. 2.6 million electricity bill due for his wedding after he learned that Namal had yet to do so.



The CEB’s reply said an electricity bill amounting to Rs. 26, 82,246.57 due for Rajapaksa’s Weeraketiya house for providing security lights and generators for a function held at the house between September 12, 2019 and September 15, 2019 has still not been paid.


According to the CEB, security lights and generators had been installed for the said function following a request.

Namal’s coordinating secretary sends letter




MP Rajapaksa’s coordinating secretary has written to the CEB regarding the matter.

He has demanded a clarification in relation to an alleged unpaid electricity bill by him being circulated on social media under the letterhead of the CEB.

Meanwhile, the SJB has paid a Rs. 4.1 million electricity bill of the Mihintale sacred site.

It was settled with contributions by SJB members and donors, said the party.


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